This project— Becoming a Good Global Jewish Digital Citizen– is designed to help students think about digital citizenship utilizing Jewish resources. It unfolds in five steps
Step One: Exploring any of a number of frameworks for digital citizenship that exist in the general world of education. Below are two of them:
Top 10 Guidelines for Digital Citizenship
- Protect your online privacy.**
- Respect the online privacy of others.
- Protect your property.
- Respect the property of others.
- Respect the rules, values, and policies of your family, religion, community, and school.
- Understand the values of other cultures, religions, and communities.
- Build a positive online reputation and portfolio of work.
- Use online communications in constructive ways, doing nothing you would not do in a F2F setting.
- Evaluate the accuracy of any information you find or receive online – or share online.
- Maintain a healthy balance between your online activities and relationships with your physical world activities and relationships
Encourage students to review these commandments critically. Why are they important enough to be called “commandments” rather than “guidelines”? How would students prioritize from the most important to the ones of lesser importance.
Step 2: Begin a study of the Ten Commandments as found in the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy of the Torah. Encourage students to “play” with these commandments through questions such as
Is there a missing 11th commandment?
How might you break the 10 commandments into two different categories?
Which of these have some immediate connection to our Digital on- line lives? How might one fulfill one of these commandments or break one through your participation in digital life?
How would you advertise these 10 commandments on facebook or instagram or snapchat?
Create a twitter (240 characters maximum) about the importance of the 10 commandments.
Step Three
Explore the acronym GJGDC (good Jewish global digital citizen). Generate three specific guidelines for making sure that each of the five words is appropriately implemented in our lives (i.e, what does “Good” mean; what does “Jewish” mean ….)
Good means
Jewish means
Global means
Digital means
Citizen means
Step 4
Generate your own 10 commandments of being a GJGDC! As a challenge try to emphasize half positive (what you shall do) and half negative (what you shouldn’t do)
Step 5
Find a creative way to portray your ten commandments of being a GJGDC using all the best digital storytelling tools at your command. Below are two examples, one in the form of a modified powerpoint and the other in a video format with sound.
(Levi’s PDF)
(Shira’s Video Presentation)